High-Yield Acoustic Grader for MSR Lumber

Whether you need training, service, repairs, spare parts or upgrades, we have the know-how and expertise to keep your production levels maximised.


Installation & Training

  Our installation, commissioning and training service means we work alongside your team to ensure turnkey integration.

And with our expertise in grade compliance, you’ll be working at high production levels immediately on startup.


Service & Maintenance

Our technicians are available for on-site visits at your request to carry out fast and accurate routine services and maintenance.

We keep all cricital spare parts in our inventory, and guarantee to get them to you quickly.


Technical Support

We can quickly diagnose and often repair issues over the phone or via remote access to our integrated software.

If you need a site visit, we’re there quickly, armed with critical spares and the know-how to keep down-time to a minimum.



“Performance is outstanding…
exceeded my expectations”

"Calibre Equipment has exceeded my expectations in every respect. Their quality assurance tester's performance is outstanding! Feature-packed and capable of testing every size, the Calibre machine well outperforms its competitors, providing true value for money. Couple this with on-time delivery and exceptional service, I recommend Calibre to anyone in the industry." 

Mike McManaway, Nelson Forests Limited